Sunday, April 22, 2012

Galveston and More Wine

I'm not a wino, but I thoroughly enjoy wine festivals because I enjoy learning about wine (like I had to learn about coffee when I was a Starbucks manager).   I don't have the time to become a wine expert, but I like to learn what I like and what I don't.

So, my girls and I went to another wine fest - the Galveston Wine and Food Festival.  For $45, we gained entry, a wine glass, and endless supply of wine tastings from wine around the world and food tastings from Galveston restaurants.  Jen B. had gone before, thus encouraging our adventure, and I have to admit I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

We arrived a little before 2pm - although if I could go back into time I would've arrived much earlier.  Although the general admission was 2pm, 70 degrees is a glorious opportunity to spend in Galveston.  The Strand (once dubbed the Wall Street of the Southwest) is alive with old-fashioned/original street design, fun stores, beautiful buildings, an ice-cream parlor and several restaurants.  Home to Dickens on the Strand in December (where I met Lucinda Dickens Hawksley and enjoyed seeing all kids of people dressed in Victorian garb sipping mulled cider and delicately munching on meat pies while listening to bedecked carolers), the summer fills the Strand with a beach-y air.  Just a couple of blocks from the cruise terminal and various piers, the Strand is a delectable place to stroll on a lazy Saturday.

Anyway, we got there early and were let in (the VIPs got entry earlier, for an additional $50).   Although the area was rather small - held at Saengarfest Park - it was very pleasant.  A live band performing popular music entertained the people milling around, and tents shielded people and consumables from the bright sun.  We waltzed in, had out ticket scanned, and were handed souvenir wine glasses with attached plates for the food.  For three hours we floated from tent to tent, table to table, trying wines from all over the world and food from all over Galveston.  My favorite foods were mini-martini glasses with ceviche from Yago's, as well as this wonderful pasta laced with a lovely balsamic vinaigrette, and a pistachio-crusted lamb chop.  The rest of the food was fantastic also - empanadas, friend oysters, brie, plantains, chocolate, etc.  The food was chosen well, for they paired nicely with the varieties of wine offered.   My favorite was a prosseco acquired early in the hours, and then I found several chardonnays and merlots that I enjoyed as well.  The only wine I did not care for was a local pinot noir (the flavor did not mesh well with my taste buds).

Afterwards, we moseyed down the Strand, where several merchants set up stands/tents.  Mostly filled with over-priced crafts the Texas Olive Oil company was there, and I purchased a bottle of fig balsamic vinegar (which I can't wait to try with an insalada al caprese).  We then strolled two blocks over to Pier 22.  The wind whipped our hair and sea water filled the air.  The ship Elissa was docked, and getting ready for a wedding - what a place to have it!.  After about 3 minutes of strolling, we headed back to our cars and left Galveston.   We didn't get to the beach, but after a horrendous rainstorm this week, the water was extremely brown from the sediments getting stirred.  I'll go back later this summer.

Happy wandering everyone!

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